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Scams from Imposter "Detectives"


We would like to notify you of the various methods employed by so-called "Private Investigator-Detectives", who come up with various disorientating scams and copy us, using fake certifications, misleading texts, slogans and pages identical to ours. However, all of them have failed, since a simple internet search can prove the reliability of our own Private Investigation Agency, as opposed to those who lack the guarantee of an organised and reliable private investigation service. And of course imposters will be prosecuted.

We feel the need to inform you that unfortunately, people without the proper equipment, qualifications, experience and of course without any seriousness or sense of professional responsibility, put their clients' private life at stake, promising services which they can not fulfill and quality assurances which they cannot even dream of achieving. This is done through the presentation of fake certifications and misleading slogans which they frame on their webpages, but also through the copying of the list of services offered by SPYro GRoup Private Investigation Agency, as well as the innovative methodology concerning our mode of operation and presentation.

We would like to appeal to these imposter "Detectives", but also to their victims: we promise that the cases of clients who have fallen victim to fraud will be prosecuted by Law and that we will pursue the highest possible punishments of the culprits. Also, once they are found guilty, we will immediately publish the event on all available media in order to inform the people who entrust privat investigation agencies with the smooth running of their everyday private lives.

If the state and its institutions cannot deal with such apparent cases of fraunt, self-policing is the only way to expose those who move misleadingly in the sensitive sector of our operations. Exposing these fake private detectives is in everyone's hand.
